Course Instructor

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ahmad Kamal Nasir
LUMS School of Science & Engineering
Lahore, Pakistan



The objective of this half-day tutorial is to provide the participants who are planning to do a robotic projects, an opportunity to learn programming simple yet intelligent mobile robots.

Course Description

This tutorial provides a hands-on sessions to build a simple mobile robot in V-REP equipped with range sensors and to program it through ROS. The tutorial shall introduce the participants about V-REP, a software to build and simulate robots, creating a virtual scene, mounting range sensors and interfacing it with ROS. The tutorial is complemented by some pre-designed activities in which the participants shall complete a partially written wall-following program.

This workshop is ideal for students and professionals who wish to get an entry into programming robots, for teachers who wish to add robot based assignments to motivate their students and for students who wish to equip themselves to develop robotic applications for interest or for participating in competitions.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this tutorial you are expected to have the following:

  • Able to use V-REP for simulation experiments.
  • A basic understanding of writing program in ROS.


The course provides an interactive learning environment in which the participants shall get a hands-on programming experience. Presentation hands-out shall also be given to the participants.

Course Pre-Requisite

This course requires that the participants must have the following: Basic programming skills in any high level computer language preferable C/C++ and some introduction to mobile robots. The participants are required to bring their own laptop (64bit system) having at-least 4GB RAM and 20GB free hard disk space. VirtualBox needs to be installed to run the prepared image which contains Ubuntu 64-bit with pre-installed ROS. Please download the image here: UbuntuUAVG2017Tutorial.ova (3.5 GB).

Course Registration

People interested to take this course can register their-self using the following form: Registration
Because of the programming nature of the course, the course is limited to a maximum of 20 participants. Therefore, the registration is on first-come basis.

Course Outline

Hour Topic
1 Participants shall learn how to use V-REP simulator with ROS.
2 Participants shall create a simple mobile robot equipped with range sensors
3-4 Participants shall learn to implement robot control program using ROS for obstacle avoidance and wall following task.